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10 Types of Indoor Plants That will Enhance Your Interiors


Our community has always evolved around plants. From depending on plants for our basic needs in the old days to using plants in interior decorations in modern lifestyle. The use of indoor plants has gained popularity in the last fifty years as more people moved to the highly concentrated urban areas where they lost contact with nature.

Using plants in the interiors has several benefits, some of them are:-

  • Plants reduce the stress in our lives & help to increase our patience.
  • Some Plants do help in regulating normal blood pressure.
  • Helps in maintaining a healthy sleeping pattern.
  • Purify the air and hence offer a healthy companion in polluted megacities like:- Beijing, New Delhi, etc.
  • Some Plants have medicinal properties and can be used for small allergies & common cold-like problems.
  • Increase the focus.
  • Affordable to most people as there are a vast number of plants available.

If you are tired of a lifeless interior then this article is for you because today we are going to discuss some of the plants that are to have in the interiors.

1. Fiddle-leaf fig Tree

Scientific Name- Ficus Lyrata.


This falls under the category of shrubs. Fiddle leaf plant has long, elegant stems and branches with broad, leathery leaves. It is good to place near a window as it needs a lot of sunlight. Do the pruning of the top branches regularly, especially when it grows above the window frame. Fig tree suits for modern and contemporary style indoors.

Fiddle-leaf fig plants need to be watered once a week, or more if it’s winter and the air in the surroundings is dry.

2. Snake Plant

Scientific Name- Sansevieria Trifasciata.


These plants are a good option for contemporary interiors. It has sword-shaped leaves winding gently from the soil like charmed snakes from a basket, this indoor house plant has a suitable balance between order and chaos. It doesn’t have any special need for sunlight hence, can be placed anywhere in the house.

For Snake Plant let the soil dry completely between two successive watering. Check the soil every week, but it’s fine to skip a few.

3.Asparagus Fern

Scientific Name- Asparagus Plumosa

indoor plants

While this plant isn’t technically a fern, it still has those signature soft fronds. You can let it explore your space freely and watch its travels along the way. It requires moderate to high sunlight exposure. It can be placed in hanging baskets on balconies.

Asparagus Fern Plant can grow on a varying water schedule but it’s better to keep it slightly moist.

4. Corn Plant

Scientific Name- Dracaena fragrans massangeana

indoor plants

It is one of the best indoor plants in this standout with striped leaves. It is a low-maintenance plant & will look stunning in your living room, and grows up to four to six feet tall.

Corn Plant requires filtered sunlight and water every 7-10 days.


Scientific Name- Philodendron Xanadu

indoor plants

A smaller version of oversized tropical leaves, it will only grow to be about three to four feet. This textural plant is great for spaces with less light. It requires bright, indirect sunlight.

Winterbourn Plant can’t tolerate overwatering. If the soil is dry, it’s safe to water it. If, however, it’s moist to the touch, give it a few days before watering. Snap off dead, yellow leaves as they appear.

6. Mistletoe Cactus

Scientific Name- Rhipsalis

indoor plants

It is not a common variety of cactus category.  “Rhipsalis offers a welcomed textural change, compared to the sometimes controlled look of other succulents,” says Heibel. It brings uniqueness to the interiors. It requires indirect light.

The Mistletoe Cactus Plant requires water weekly. If the tendrils ever droop, that’s a sign the plant is thirsty.

7.Split-Leaf Philodendron

Scientific Name- Monstera Deliciosa.

indoor plants

This plant has a distinctive leaf that looks as though it’s been gently cut into by a careful hand. you can cut off the top—as long as it has air roots attached—and replant it, meaning if you buy one of these, you could easily have more.

Split-leaf Philodendron requires water once a week.

8. Kentia Palm

Scientific Name- Howea Forsteriana.

Indoor plants

The fronds of this plant spring to great heights from the soil, then lean forward.

It requires lots of space, as it can grow up to 10 feet with a broad reach. Palm trees can act as a focal point in the interiors because of their rich green colors.

Kentia Palm requires medium to bright light; water weekly.

9. African Spear Plant

Scientific Name- Sansevieria Cylindrical.

indoor plants

It is a very architectural, very sculptural plant. Its conical leaves conjure images of spires, obelisks, and skyscrapers. It can grow in any light exposure.

African Spear plants require water every few weeks.

10. Meyer Lemon Tree

Scientific Name- Citrus X Meyeri

indoor plants

This lemon tree is considered to be a hybrid of lemons and mandarin oranges with a subtler, It has a sweeter flavor than lemons. But these trees in the interior are used purposely because of their beautiful fragrance of citrus flowers.

It can serve as a natural room freshener. Meyer lemon trees require lots of sun even indoors.

The Meyer Lemon Tree needs to be watered weekly.

  • Written By
  • Amritanshu Raj. (Instagram-  @amritanshu1937)

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